
8 Benefits of Guided Surgery


Guided Surgery Advancements

Guided surgery has come away in advancement. Now it can craft a predetermined design on your teeth using software that maps an image of your problem areas in order to maximize the output. A 3D image is made using computer software that highlights all the issues and helps map an efficient way to treat your teeth.


Ideal implant positioning:

Reduced risk of hitting any vital slots. With high accuracy and a solid vision, the risk of hitting any vital slot is greatly reduced. This was not the case earlier when there was always a risk of tools hitting other areas resulting in more problems than before.

With a crafty hand, a dentist can leave space for a provisional crown in the implant at the time of the surgery. With the position pre-determined, dentists don’t need to fuss much about it when the time comes to position the crown. This is a great advancement for future surgeries.

It increases accuracy and improves the final outcome to be nearly perfect compared to previous methods.

Special drills that are used are extremely safe and, in the hands of an expert, they work wonders.

The positioning becomes vital because it paves the way to restoring difficult implants. For example, restoration uses the placing of a crown, bridge, or dentures.

The drill does not go out of the bone envelope, with all the risks completely nullified.

The surgery is not as expensive when we compare it with the plethora of benefits that come with it.

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