
5 Myths and Facts About Dental Implants


Understanding Dental Implants

Teeth are the hardest substance in the human body. Teeth are the only part of your body that cannot heal itself, and you will always require the help of a dentist to help you save or replace your teeth. Opting for dental implant surgery is the most effective way to deal with a broken, fractured, or missing tooth. The surgery can be done for one or more missing teeth. Dental implants can improve your speech and chewing function. Myths have surrounded the facts, and it’s been very frightful for people to visit dentists due to the same. To assist you in choosing if a dental implant could be ideal for you, let’s distinguish the facts from some common dental implant myths.

Dental Myths & Facts

Myth: Dental Implant Treatment is Painful

People think that dental implants are very painful as the tooth seems like a screw that’s fixed in your jawbone. But that is so untrue.

Fact: Dental Implant Treatment is Not Painful as You Think It Is

Dental implant treatment starts after accurately measuring the X-rays of your teeth that need to be replaced by a dental implant and checking for bone height and density. Before the treatment starts, the patient is given anesthesia to numb that particular area. Dental implants are less painful than dentures and tooth extractions.

Myth: Dental Implants are Very Expensive

Several people think that implants will cost them much more than they anticipated, and the whole implant procedure is pricey—that is what they have heard from their surroundings. However, that is so false when thinking in the long term.

Fact: Dental Implants are a One-Time Investment

The treatment cost for a dental implant may seem higher than other dental options. But it surely saves long-term maintenance costs compared to dentures and bridges. Also, it is a fixed treatment without having to clean it like dentures and doesn’t make a sound.

Myth: Dental Implants Turn Yellow with Age

Most people think that dental implants change color after a few years of insertion, whereas dental implants tend to act just like natural teeth and differ from natural teeth in this regard.

Fact: Dental Implants Remain Pearl White if Cared for Properly

Dental implants are less susceptible to color change overall. Your dental expert will match the implant color to your current teeth, and the implant should stay that color with appropriate care and maintenance. If implants are cleaned properly, they won’t discolor with time and will stay the same for the rest of their life.

Myth: Dental Implants are Visible

Most people have this misconception that dental implants vary from their actual tooth color, which isn’t true.

Fact: Dental Implants Look and Function Like Natural Teeth

No one would know about your dental implants unless you tell them. They are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and are way stronger than natural teeth.

Myth: Dentures are a Better Option Than Dental Implants

When you compare dentures with implants, at first, you see a few benefits. Dentures do offer an affordable initial cost. If you don’t have any natural teeth left, opting for dentures won’t cost you more as you do not have to undergo surgery. Nevertheless, when it comes to functionality, dental implants are a better option than dentures.

Fact: Dental Implants Might Be Slightly Expensive than Dentures, but They Are a Better Long-Term Investment

Dental implants might be slightly more expensive than dentures, but the cost that people have to bear is only once, unlike dentures, which come with long-term costs for maintenance, wear and tear, and readjustments. Dental implants require fewer appointments. Once dental implants are fixed in your jaw, they become a permanent solution to missing teeth. The denture process takes a longer duration and involves messy impressions.

If you’re looking for a convenient, high-quality, and high-performance tooth replacement option, you should definitely consider dental implants.

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